1 comment for “MISSIONS

  1. January 24, 2018 at 7:50 pm

    I was born in a Muslim family and received the gospel in 1984 and was SAVED in 1990.
    It takes 6 years to understand who is Christ. I had a very common faith all the Muslims will go to heaven and Muhammad is a last prophet of God .

    But after I received the gospel many questions came to my mind, and I was searching for the truth different between Jesus and Muhammad .

    When I saw that Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and Omega” and other words that said “Without me no one could enter into heaven”, I was confused in many ways about the religion and faith .

    I started searching for the truth and found real face of Islam . After reading the whole bible and Islamic history books including Quran and hadiths, truths came to me .

    What I have found is, there is no Allah in the bible and the Living Creator never called Muhammad for his purpose to be a prophet, and Abraham never built the Kaba in Mecca .

    Islam is a pagan religion from the beginning and they worshiped different type of idols including moon god . The life of Muhammad was very filthy and dark , he is not qualified to be a prophet at all.

    On the other hand, Allah is not our creator, he is antichrist, he always talks about killing and not giving us assurance of our salvation .

    In 1990, Jesus stopped me to search the truth and told me that I have chosen you for my kingdom . At that time I had to repent and submit myself to him as a sinner. I went to a local Church who knows me well and they gave me shelter, having to come out from the family. From that point, I attended Bible College for higher education, all the while I was persecuted from the family, friends and relatives . By the grace of God I completed my Bachelor of Theology and started serving for Him . The loving God used me many ways in different nations for the gospel. I have served in USA, Australia , Africa and Europe as a missionary.

    By the grace of God I received the honorable Doctorate of Divinity and done my PhD on Theology. My life was blessed many ways, and now I would like to bless my nation Bangladesh too with His gospel.

    Dr. Monirul Nanok (Ph.D)
    Director Of
    The Life Chapel For Bangladesh
    web: http://www.lifechapelbd.org

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