I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day. Timothy 4:7-8a

July 2024 Newsletter

Here at JMM and in our Militaru family we do not take our freedoms for granted!  We are so honored to live in a country where we can freely worship Jesus!   I know we’ve had some ups and downs politically, but ultimately America is still a nation under God!  This month we honor and remember the great sacrifices that so many men and women made for us, for our country, and our freedoms.  Even more than that, we don’t take lightly the price that JESUS paid for our freedom!  Freedom is never free.  … …. read more


Earlier this year we received a phone call from a brother in Christ crying for joy on the other line to tell us about the miracle he received.  He told us that he had been suffering from a terrible pain in his shoulder which made him unable to lift his arm even to his mouth to eat.  His children were so desperate to get him help, they took him to therapy, doctors, etc but nothing was working.  Because of his age and health condition (diabetes) the MRI showed that the torn tendon was too fragile to operate on.  One night, in desperation, he watched one of our programs where Brother John said, “Put your hand on your body where you have pain because I’m going to believe with you for your healing.”  He put his hand on his shoulder and in agreement he repeated the prayer after Brother John.  He said he literally felt a hand on his shoulder (which he jokingly says was Brother John’s hand), but in reality, we know that it was the hand of God touching him.  At the end of the prayer, he calmed down and fell asleep.  The following morning He woke up and was completely healed!  He was able to raise both arms up high in the air without any pain crying and praising the Lord!  On this last trip, John was able to visit him and record his testimony.  Even when John was visiting him, he was still crying for joy and saying, “How can I not praise God?”  Praise the LORD!

Our Passion

JMM is an evangelistic Ministry, going into areas where the Gospel of Jesus has never been heard before

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. We have been able to send relief supplies,  establish our Children’s Ministry,  and hold annual crusades out in the open air sharing the messsage of Jesus each year since 1990.

John also preaches as an Evangelist in many churches across America sharing highlights from current crusades and offering ways for people to get connected with JMM… read more >

Do you still believe in miracles?

We, too, are standing firm on the promises of God’s Word here at JMM!  We still need to update and upgrade some television and sound equipment.  We are in need of an editor and technician.  But we know we serve a mighty God and there are no limits with Him.  He never changes or casts a shifting shadow (James 1:17).  Please stand with us believing God will provide all that we need in this Ministry so we can reach multitudes for the precious Kingdom of God.  People need to hear about the name of Jesus.  People need to be saved, restored and delivered by the power of the name of Jesus.  That’s what this Ministry is all about. It’s all for His glory!